
1 loves

"Good Morning" pattern from Paned Expressions Studios "All Critters Great & Small" 22" X 37" panel using Kokomo and Youghiogheny glass with plating to shadow the neck under the chin.  Made for donation to St Louis Children's Hospital Cancer Ward to thank the staff for taking care of our 4 year old granddaughter who is now in remission from stage 4 cancer.

Light Up Our Gallery Contest
2012 entry


Saturday, April 13, 2013
94 Posts

Thank you! Is it fused? or just kept together with the foil and solder? Sorry to beso dumb :) I just LOVE this guy! Nice job!


Friday, April 12, 2013
22 Posts

@MrsJake Plating is simply the process of layering glass, one piece over another, to create shadows, contour and add tremendous depth to compositions.


Sunday, October 21, 2012
94 Posts

What is "Plating" ?